

In photography the light, film and sensor size all determine image formate ie logo sensitive. It is important to make an exact copy of what we are photographing as the sensor effects the quality. there are a variety of different formats available and these are as follows. This helps us understand about light and how it is used to make images.

The Pentaprism

A pentaprism is a five sided reflective prism used to deviate light by a constant 90 degrees, the light reflects inside the prism allowing transmutation of an image through a rift angle without inverting it.

Small Format (DSLR SLR Mirrorless)


  • Portable
  • Modular
  • Image is viewable right away
  • intuitive use
  • choices for file size
  • more accesable settings
  • more storage


  • not 100% quality
  • enlarging the image won't work well

Medium Format (Full frame DSLR Film)


  • Better Quality than small format
  • Still relatively portable
  • choice of location
  • images can be viewed right away depending on camera used
  • wider field of view


  • less choice of storage
  • more expensive
  • can be bulky or heavy

Large Format


  • good quality images
  • image size and enlargement possible


  • not portable
  • limited location
  • large equipment
  • everything must be manual
  • expensive

Large Format camera movements

Large format camera movements allow you to be able to make images that wouldn't normally be possible with a fixed camera.  These are most commonly found in cameras that hold 4x5 inch films.

  • Linhof
  • Wista
  • Acra swiss
  • Sinar

Most large format cameras have movable front and rear standards. The camera lens is attached to the front standard and the ground glass is where the rear standard is found. This is called monorail design. These cameras sit along a single rail to which it attaches. For rise and fall movements this is located at the front of the camera, from its central position the lens can be moved up or down.  
