Themed SSL

Themed SSL Research Image 1 Research Image 2 lighting who? Composotion Content arrangement style Plan I went round the local charity shop looking for items i could incorporate into me themes SSL. Luckily i only needed to visit one and they had all the items i needed. In my home studio i began setting up my display. I decided to use a black background as the natural backdrop i first planned on using made the items blend too much into the background. As it was in my home i decided to light the candle and allowed this burn so the wax would run down creating a drip effect before taking my shot. The fruit in the image i roughed up an burnt to give it an aged look. I decided to used an old book underneath the skull as this gave a shadow effect which created depth. I feel the contrast of items worked well.Nothing is in line and looks sporadic although it was intentional. The wine bottle was not planned but i decide to use this to hold the roses to give more saturation. Equipment used D...