
Showing posts from March, 2023

Themed SSL

 Themed SSL Research Image 1 Research Image 2 lighting who? Composotion Content arrangement style Plan I went round the local charity shop looking for items i could incorporate into me themes SSL. Luckily i only needed to visit one and they had all the items i needed. In my home studio i began setting up my display. I decided to use a black background as the natural backdrop i first planned on using made the items blend too much into the background. As it was in my home i decided to light the candle and allowed this burn so the wax would run down creating a drip effect before taking my shot. The fruit in the image i roughed up an burnt to give it an aged look. I decided to used an old book underneath the skull as this gave a shadow effect which created depth. I feel the contrast of items worked well.Nothing is in line and looks sporadic although it was intentional. The wine bottle was not planned but i decide to use this to hold the roses to give more saturation. Equipment used D...


Flowers Research Image 1 This image was taken a photographer named Matin Belan, this image was taken from his blog online on the above link. He loves photographing outdoors but has a great enthusiasm for photographing flowers which is not possible to do in winter, So he spends his winter months in the Studio. I love this photo in monochrome. It gives great contrast from the flower itself and the background. The image looks almost painted with great definition and texture. the light and shadow compliment the image well. I believe this image would have been taken in the studio against a black background. Possibly lay flat against with the image being taken directly from above. The lighting i think would have been used is one single main light with soft box to give a soft lighting. lighting also coming directly from above given the lack of shadow coming from either side. There is one single flower in the image, it provides just the right...