Portfolio and Presentation: Stage 1 : RESEARCH and PLANNING
P ortfolio and Presentation: Stage 1 : RESEARCH and PLANNING RESEARCH: Target audience Although undecided about what style of photography I want to achieve and who my target audience will be. I have decided to do my research on what I have already been trying to achieve, which is child and family portraiture. Both Location and studio based. On thinking outside the box my interests lie with medical photography and possibly down the theatre route. It is my intention to progress into degree level and in order to do this I will look into what photographic techniques are required for which course, but before I do this I would need to explore the tools needed and how I could present and maintain a portfolio that is centred around these ideas. Degree in photography Edinburgh Napier - '' The course has recently moved to a newly-built specialist photography facility, which includes five fully-equipped photography studios, a black and white darkroom, dry to dry colour film processor, ...